May 23, 2017


Hello people!
I know you are not used to me writing so often. However, I couldn't wait more to tell you my experience 3 weeks ago participating in an online worldwide conference, hosted by Dr. Nellie (@nelliemuller), for teachers where I spoke about my open educational digital project. 

To start with, guess what? In an online live class you can use slideshows! I may sound crazy but I didn't know it and it was such a big surprise for me. The thing is that our teacher created a shared presentation with Google Slides where we were allowed to design a single slide for our 5-minute-presentation in the conference. You will find my slide at the 12th position. 

As you can see, in order to make it visually attracting I used infographics. 
The first one is a timeline made with that shows all my process of learning during the last months within this ICT subject of my Masters Degree.
Apart from that I recycled another visual organiser I created for a past post about visuals and collaborative learning, and modified it a bit with clarified things.  It was made with Canva if you remember and you can see it below.

The weather by @crishesgarden
Finally, I also added a photograph of mine which is always good for people to get to know you better, as well as my twitter handle and my learning diary.

Once I had all these done, I started to write the 5-minute-speech I was going to give. I decided to start by thanking my teacher because she is the one who has made all this possible and the one who has been helping me during all the process of learning.  Then, I described briefly my process of learning emphasising, especially, the analysis of the CEDEC project, which I found absolutely useful to be able to design a project myself later on. 
Finally, I presented my open educational project about The Weather specifying the learning outcomes, the final product and some of the tasks it will involve, as it is shown in the visual above. Anyway, here you have the whole speech for you to read if you want.

Finally, I've got good news for all of you who have missed the conference and would like to watch it, because it is now available on Youtube. I recommend it because it's full of great ideas my classmates had for innovating in primary levels and about varied topics. It really worth's a glance! 

This has been my first online live class and I was absolutely nervous, especially because I hadn't been able to participate in the rehearsal and I was afraid of something not working well. Nevertheless, I enjoyed so much giving a speech about the project in which I had been working for months. I was so proud, and of course grateful, of having the opportunity to talk as a teacher and to share my ideas feeling that they are useful for the rest of the World. 
I spoke before I expected because some classmates had to be skipped due to technical errors. Nevertheless, everything went so perfect and then I could remain listening to the rest of my classmates. Besides, when they were giving their speeches, the rest of us were supposed to be twittering and writing, on a chat that WizIQ includes, all their professional links. Oh! I forgot to explain what WizIQ is. It is a "learning delivery platform for instructors and institutions". I invite you to visit it and realise how useful it is! You can use it to create a virtual classroom, test and assessments and many other educational things.
And going on with the dissemination part of the conference, I had some problems at the beginning for twittering since I was not ready with my classmates links and I was writing wrong the hashtag. I eventually solved it and put plenty of tweets that you can check within the following hashtag: #moodlemooc10
I'm also very glad of having met so wonderful and interesting people like Dr. Nellie (@nelliemuller) who invited us to participate again in her next conference. And there were also people on the chat from different places worldwide. I especially appreciated those who were awake until we finished (and it was 2:00 am in their local time). Thank you to all of them!
Finally, before concluding, apart from all what has been said, this challenge was significantly useful to tackle the basic skill of summarising that we should master at post university grades. 
As you can see, I'm over the moon with this ultimate challenge of the Masters degree. 
Thanks for reading me people!

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